PSHE, RSE and PATHS® Programme for Schools (UK & NI Version)
At Woolpit Primary we strongly believe that PSHE is a vital component in every child's education and it is one of our core subjects. PATHS® is one part of our PSHE curriculum and we are now in our fourth year of working in partnership with Barnardo’s to deliver The PATHS® Programme for Schools (UK & NI Version). Throughout their time at school, your child’s class will participate in PATHS® lessons as part of the PSHE curriculum.
What is PATHS®?
PATHS® (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) is a social-emotional learning curriculum which helps children to improve their friendships, help them make good decisions and improve their behaviour, as well as helping children achieve overall academic success.
What are the goals of the PATHS® Programme?
• Increasing children’s abilities to think and problem solve for themselves
• Improving children’s understanding of themselves and others
• Helping children with emotional literacy and awareness of feelings
• Improving children’s self-esteem
• Increasing children’s abilities to learn more effectively in the classroom
How does it work?
The PATHS® Programme develops children’s social and emotional skills, it is taught by class teachers as part of the school day. Starting in Reception, children begin to develop their self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship and responsible decision-making skills. Children learn how to manage and express their feelings and identify the feelings others. They develop an understanding of how their behaviour affects others, and they are taught strategies to build and maintain healthy relationships and friendships. As they move further up the school, they learn how to effectively problem solve.
Pupil of the Day
Every child gets a chance to be PATHS® Pupil of the Day throughout the year. The pupil is chosen at random and will be given roles throughout the day which will support the teacher. They will wear a lanyard so that the rest of the school community is aware that they are the pupil of the day and they will have privileges throughout the day which vary from class to class. At the end of the session the Pupil of the Day will receive their compliments from their peers and an adult in the class, these will be written on a Compliment List and shared with parents.
How can I find out more information?
Woolpit Primary and Barnardo’s held a Parent Information Session last year to help you understand more about PATHS® and provide you with the opportunity to ask questions. If you were unable to attend this meeting please speak to your child’s teacher or the PATHS® lead, Mrs White. Keep an eye out for your child's compliments when they are pupil of the day and remember to compliment your child too and add it to the list.
Realtionships and Sex Educaction and Health education
PATHS® is a fundamental part of our PSHE curriculum but it does not cover some of the elements of the statutory Realtionship, Sex and Education (RSE) and Health education curriculum that is now complusory for all schools.
In EYFS and Years 1,2,3 the statutory elements of RSE are taught through our Science and PE curriculum or throughout the school year in our PATHS® or PSHE sessions. However, for Years 4, 5 and 6 the statutory curriculum does need to be taught in separate and discreet sessions. These sessions are taught in the second half of the Summer Term. We are now heading into the fourth year of our SRE curriclum after sharing our Policy with Governors and Parents in 2021.
How can I find out more information?
In the first instance please read the RSE policy, this will hopefully answer many of your questions. In the next instance please speak to the PSHE curriculum lead Mrs White.